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2021 Earth Day Summit

Saturday, April 24, 2021 | 10:30am-2:00pm PST

Bay Area Youth Climate Summit's Earth Day event featured workshops, discussions, and a climate action planning session! Our workshops were focused on two themes—policy and action—and included topics ranging from the Green New Deal to food justice to restoring biodiversity. Attendees included high school students from the Bay Area and beyond.


10:30am // Opening and Introduction

10:50am // Morning Workshop (Policy-focused, see below for options)*

11:40pm // Discussions

12:10pm // Lunch

12:30pm // Afternoon Workshop (Action-focused, see below for options)*

1:20pm // Climate Action Planning: Lightning Talks and Breakout Rooms with SF Environment

2:00pm // Closing

*Participants will select one workshop for each time slot. All times are in PST.


Look below for a full list of the workshops we held, as well as the descriptions and names of the presenters!

Morning Session (Policy)

10:50-11:35 am PST

Afternoon Session (Action)

12:30-1:15 pm PST


Meet the presenters of the Earth Day Summit's workshops! Click on each person to learn more.

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